B​espoke Word Commissions

An original and personal gift for someone special 

Up to 6 Letters (Names or words)

100% quality cotton unframed box canvas 20x20x3.5cm

Ready to hang on a wall or free stand on a shelf

£130 includes one (virtual) design consultation (by phone, email, or Zoom) one jpeg image of the discussed design, hand painting in acrylics by Suzy & free UK Delivery

£65 payment required on receipt & approval of your jpeg design image. 

£65 payment required on completion.

Please allow approx up to 4 weeks for your hand painted commission.

Suzy will advise on approx completion date once she has received your order. 

Email: suzy@suzyabrahams.com

Mobile: 07588699441

Enquiries for other painting commissions also welcome

Jake in progressJake View 2 Jake View 1Jake Reverse of Canvas

Mum in progressMum in progress 2Mum Flower in progress 1Mum Flower on easel